When you are considering new houses, you need to make sure you ask the right questions of the home builder. A brand new home is a big investment. You don’t want to make a mistake. You also don’t want to get a house that you are not going to love. For this reason, Palo Verde Homes builds very high quality houses throughout the El Paso area.
What to Ask When Looking at New Houses
When looking at new houses, the first thing to ask is what type of home warranty is available to new buyers. You want to make sure that you have the peace of mind of knowing that you are not going to have to deal with any repair costs right after you move into the house. A warranty also shows that the builder is willing to stand behind their work. You’ll also want to find out about the quality of the house behind the walls.
While it is easy to see fixtures and finishes to determine if a house looks nice, it is things like insulation and energy efficiency of appliances which can make a big difference in what actually living in the house is like. Your builder should be able to provide details about the materials used. For example, the R-value of the insulation or information on major building systems. This way, it’s easier to determine if a home is well-built.
Shop for New Houses in El Paso Today
Due to our quality of work and expertise, Palo Verde Homes has become one of El Paso’s most trusted home builders. Since we are experienced home builders, you can rest easy. Your future home will be exactly what you’ve been looking for.
Would you like to look at beautiful new houses constructed of the highest quality materials? Contact Palo Verde Homes today!